What a week! More snow, and more hazardous driving. Thank goodness my mom is with my brother down south, so I don’t have to worry about her being out in this stuff! That leaves me more time to worry about my kids and grandkids. It just never ends, does it? I guess I’m a worrier by nurture. Definitely not by nature. You see, my mom is the Queen of Worriers, so growing up I took the stance that if she was going to worry about it, I didn’t have to.
That worked up to a point. Once I became a mom, the worrying gene kicked in. I still think my mom worries a lot more than I do, but I seem to have a much more difficult time falling asleep than I used to. During the day I don't worry much, but at night my mind doesn’t want to wind down because there’s always one more thing that I need to remember for the next day. Now that I’m writing a lot more and have several projects in various stages of publishing, I have more and more details to remember - more things to look up, more people to contact, more promo to work on. And then there’s my teaching, and my music, and my crafts and sewing…
So I started writing lists. I’ve always had to-do lists, but now they’re more detailed. I write EVERYTHING down that I need to do, because it seems like I get so easily distracted that I forget lots of details. It seems like I’m always writing things down. As I write this I have two lists next to the laptop: one is my list of things I need to finish yet tonight (there are still five items left), and the other one is for tomorrow (three there so far).
I’m not sure if I’m more productive or not, but it seems I sleep better when I write detailed lists. It might be because things are actually done - or it might be that crossing things off makes me feel like I can sleep without wondering what I forgot to do. And sleep is a wonderful thing.
Reading: I finished reading Zach’s Rebound Girl by Monique DeVere and wrote a review. Now I’m reading Savage Deception by R. T. Wolfe. Definitely a change of pace, going from contemporary light romance to hard core suspense. I’m hosting R. T. in April and need to have a review ready by then.
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