This is the Year of the Rabbit. It follows the year of the Tiger, and I understand this is supposed to be a year of calm after the tempestuous Tiger. Sounds good to me! I can use some calm – it’s a great setting for writing.
The Year of the Rabbit is also providing writing material for me. So far I've written a blog post for my writing group about it, and I dreamed up a theme for my monthly Scrapbooking club. It’s my turn to host, so I’m going with the Year of the Rabbit theme. So it's on my mind as I write this post. I'm gathering stuffed rabbits to decorate the place, preparing rabbit themed treats (fresh veggies and a carrot cake), and making rabbit door prizes.
I'm thinking rabbits. And I'm trying to get some writing done. Rabbits are prolific, so maybe that will apply to my writing this year. I’m trying to get things prepared for my writing group’s annual winter challenge, in which we each resolve to write 32,000 words in one month. That’s 1143 words per day, for 28 days in a row. I’ll have to hustle like a rabbit to get that done!
As I write, I'm sitting here in my recliner, dressed in my flannel jammies, my thick winter socks and slippers, and a nice beat-up dingy cardigan around my shoulders. I'm like a rabbit, burrowed in to my home. But unlike the rabbits, who sleep in their burrows, I'm at work. I'm using the time to keep my mind busy, creating worlds, thinking, dreaming, expressing.
It's cold outside (at least here in Michigan), but inside the fires are burning, and there's work to do.
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