Sunday, December 4, 2016

Blog Tour: Keri's Christmas Wish by Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Christian Theme:
--> The power of faith to heal 

Can Keri get past her angst over Christ’s birth and enjoy the Christmas season?

For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas so much she seldom enjoys the holiday. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?

A devout Christian at heart, Jeremy Hinton, a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Energy Medicine Practitioner has studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens the life of the woman he loves, will all of his faith and training be for naught?

Find out in Keri’s Christmas Wish

Excerpt: An image began to form in her mind…a young girl being led around on a horse by an ethereal figure. As the trio came closer, Keri felt as though she looked in a mirror. Her heart swelled. Tears clogged her throat, filled her eyes, and slipped down her cheeks.

“Hi, Keri!”

The childlike voice reverberated through her entire body. Keri smiled and whispered, “Hello.”

Excitement lit the youngster’s eyes. Brilliant colors vibrated around her. “Do you know who I am?”

“You’re me as a little girl. That’s Spark, my horse who died when I was a teenager.”

Spark nodded his head as the girl giggled—a joyous melody that rang through the atmosphere. “No, silly, I’m your big sister. Only, I didn’t live very long.”

Tension seeped in, a mixture of shock and awe.

“Don’t be afraid. Ask mom.”

And then the mirage disappeared.
Keri's Christmas Wish is available at Amazon.

Patricia's thoughts: 
I was totally enchanted with this story of a young woman's journey to come to terms with her negativity toward the Christmas season. While she was raised in a loving Christian family, modern-day commercialism has soured her feelings for the season. Her boyfriend Jeremy, a psychotherapist with a strong personal faith, encourages her to journal about her feelings. 
This story is well-written. Jenna's character arc is well-described and believable. Jeremy is a patient, steadfast mentor, though he seems a bit finicky for my taste. 

Blog Tour Stops (visit each stop to enter the giveaway!):
Dec 7thDiana Rubino Blog
Dec 8thTina Gayle Blog
Dec 10thMarilyn Leach Blog
Dec 11thRobin Bayne Blog
Dec 12thRaquel Byrnes Blog
Dec 13thCami Checketts Blog
Dec 14thLinda McLaughlin Blog
Dec 15thDiane Burton Blog
Dec 16thMaureen Bonatch Blog
Dec 17thAlicia Dean Blog
Dec 18thJody Day Blog

Dec 20thMarian Merritt’s Blog


  1. Thank you so much Patricia for the lovely thoughts on Keri's Christmas Wish. Here's wishing your visitors Good Luck and God's Blessings if they enter the contest!

    1. It's a pleasure to have you here. Congratulations on the new release! Hope you have many visitors on your blog tour.

  2. Congrats on the release! Love the cover!

    1. Thanks sure and visit my blog and enter the contest!

  3. Such a timely new release!Love the theme which resonates with many Christians--commercialization of the season. Best wishes.

  4. Jeremy sounds like he's the perfect person to help Keri with her issues. Best wishes on the release.

  5. Love this excerpt! I'm just starting this story, and now I really want to hurry and read it. :) A perfect time for a story with this kind of message. Best wishes!

  6. Looks Like A Great Book Thanks for being on The Book Blog Tour

  7. Best wishes on your new release, Pam.
