It has been a busy week! I was on spring break from GVSU, but I was gone almost every day from morning until night. But the great thing is that I was busy doing things I love. On Monday I took care of my grandkids during the day and rehearsed with the Zeeland Community Band at night. On Tuesday, I went to my quilting group at church, then had lunch with them, and then made cards at Christi Waite’s home. And then I spent my only evening at home.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I spent the day cooped up in a classroom at GVSU. I participated in a writing retreat - faculty members are encouraged to write - dissertations, articles, and other scholarly tomes - and if seats are left over, other faculty can come and write “other” things, like fiction. I’ve always managed to snag a seat, and in three days (we wrote from 9 am until 5) I cranked out almost 12,000 words! Not enough to finish the Winter NaNo challenge, but good enough that I don't have to be ashamed of my output. Each evening, though, I had a different commitment - but the opera, dinner with my daughters, and watching my grandson perform in the school musical were great ways to spend the time!
So now it’s Saturday. I got to sleep in, but I’m getting ready to go to my writers’ group meeting. I’m going to learn about marketing and social media. All important things for an author nowadays. I’m going to learn how to put my writing out in front of people who will read it. And then I’m going to come home and write some more.
There will be time for resting…eventually!
Sewing/crafting: other than the quilt top (pictured above) and the cards I made on Tuesday, I haven’t been able to get anything done!
Reading: Thanks to my smart phone, I got some reading done in little ten minute increments while waiting for people or events. I started reading Bluebonnets for Ellie by Sandra Nachtlinger.
Sounds like a great way to spend the week! Love the quilt top! I need to find a quilting group and probably a stitching group.