Last Sunday I joined sixty or so other musicians and the pastoral staff of our church in leading the Easter celebration. I don’t perform so much any more, so it was a real treat for me to take out my oboe, sit in an orchestra of accomplished musicians and play beautiful music of praise and worship.
I teach a course about the inclusion of music in elementary classrooms, so I’m used to expounding the positive effects of music on cognitive development and reinforcement of academic skills. But worship music is something else entirely. When we play the traditional Easter favorites like “He Arose!” or “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” I experience a magical feeling. Through the music of the holiday, I can share in the elation experienced from the very first Easter morning. I can express my thankfulness at the wonder of His sacrifice and the conviction that I am among His children.
Music enhances all our worship services. Christmas music is especially wonderful. But Easter music is even more awesome – I think it’s the message of hope, joy and promise that we are in great hands.
What could be better?
Goals progress:
Health – more backsliding, but it’s slowing. Easter chocolate is particularly tempting.
Writing: blogging, and adding an average of a paragraph a day to my manuscript. This has been a very busy week.
Creativity: almost done with a quilt top. No time for much else.
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